This is a compilation of student work from a 10-week Animation Mechanics class in our graduate Animation program. Students in this course study and practice the foundations of animation from the core texts "The Animator's Survival Kit" by Richard Williams and "Timing for Animation" by Harold Whitaker and John Halas. Students also study all 16 disks of Richard Williams' Animation Masterclass. In the class we give special emphasis to the importance of timing, spacing, and weight. It's old school!
Dec 9, 2011
Dec 8, 2011
Looking for Animators
We're looking for Animators to join our faculty. Production/studio experience is very important to us, so those without MFA degrees will be considered for a full-time non-tenure-track position. There are currently over 175 majors enrolled in our Animation MFA, MA, BA and BS degrees, and you'd be joining a full crew of 7 full-time and 14 part-time Animation faculty members. Animation resources include a stop motion studio, two green screen stages, a sound recording and mixing studio, and a mocap studio. Past visiting artists include David O’Reilly, J.J. Sedelmaier and legendary animator Yuri Norstein (and more coming this spring!)
For more details and to apply, visit
For more details and to apply, visit
Visiting artist Yuri Norstein demonstrates his
multi-plane technique during a workshop.
multi-plane technique during a workshop.
Dec 2, 2011
The Gift
As a final project in the Animation Graduate Seminar, everyone was asked to pick one thing that resonated with them from the material covered and make an animation based on it. I was extremely pleased to see such a great variety of influences and approaches, so I will be posting several projects throughout the month of December. Enjoy!
1. Christal Charlery's "The Gift" (This is all your fault, Devin.)
1. Christal Charlery's "The Gift" (This is all your fault, Devin.)
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